To see our upcoming events and past events, please go to our Facebook page:
Below is the latest news about our bookstore.
Bisbee Books and Music is Proud to Announce:
“The Bisbee Artist Series”
Artists are broadly defined as persons who practice any of the various creative arts, such as a sculptor, painter, weaver, graphic designer, photographer, novelist, poet, filmmaker, or visual artist; or persons who practice any of the performance arts such as singers, actors, musicians, or dancers.
As a small independent bookstore, we believe it is part of our mission to support local Bisbee and Cochise County artists as well as other artists. As part of this support, we intend to use Bisbee Books and Music as a venue:
- to allow creative artists to display and sell their work but also to demonstrate any appropriate parts of the process they use to create their art;
- and to allow performance artists a venue to perform their work.
Starting Labor Day Weekend of 2019, we are asking creative and performance artists to sign-up for their spot in “The Bisbee Artist Series”.
Spots will normally be on every other Saturday between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM when foot traffic is typically high here in the building. Spots will also be available on appropriate days during holidays and the monthly “Bisbee After 5” promotions.
We will set you up with a table and a chair or stool by the entrance to our bookstore. The area where you will be is a high traffic area and it really works well for events like these.
When an artist requests to participate in “The Bisbee Artist Series” we will agree on a time and date; ask the artist to send us a brief bio, a picture of themselves and/or their art; and a brief description of their work and/or a short performance video, if available. We will use this information to post announcements on our Facebook and Web pages; on the Visit Bisbee Facebook page; and to hang in our display window.
For creative artists, we suggest that they prepare a brief introduction to engage the people that walk by; followed by a brief statement about their art to attract their interest. A recent author used a line like this, and we sold more than 25 of his books:
“Hello, I’m an author and I am looking for new fans!”
“My new book is a ……. (insert fiction, biography, etc.) book about …….(insert a short sentence here)”
For authors, they should bring copies of their book with them for their event. When a customer wants one they should give it to them to come into our store to pay. We process the payment, and put an "Autographed Copy" sticker on it, then the customer brings it back for them to sign. We do a 60/40 split for book signings: 60% to the author and 40% for the bookstore. We pay cash at the end of the book signing. We may also purchase a small supply of the books for our store inventory.
For creative artists, we recommend that they bring along a supply of their work that is ready to sell as well as appropriate presentations of the process they use to create their art, if applicable. We would love the artists to do demos, if possible, that engage the public with their process. When a customer wants to purchase a piece of their work, they give it to them to come into our store to pay. We process the payment as described above (60/40). If it is appropriate for the art, the customer can then come back to the artist for an autograph.
For performance artists who have CD’s for sale, the sale process described above also applies. For all performance artists there will be a stipend for your event. Stipends will be discussed and agreed to when we book your event.
For all artists who participate in the “Artist Series”, we will place a “Support a Local Artist” jar near you. All proceeds will go to the artist.
Contact Ken at 520-353-4009, or at info@bisbeebam.com
Bisbee Books and Music is proud to announce that we have added a new line of musical instruments to our store:
Native Flutes made locally in Patagonia, Arizona by High Spirits Flutes.
High Spirits Flutes has been handcrafting native flutes since 1990, and from the beginning it has been their mission to connect others with the joy and pleasure that they experienced in creating and sharing the native flute, as well as to give back to the beautiful, global flute-playing community by offering enrichment and support to each persons unique musical journey.
If you have never played a musical instrument before but have always wanted to learn, native flutes are a perfect instrument to begin with. The inherent design of the native flute makes them especially ideal for those with no musical background but the desire to creatively express themselves through music.
Every full size flute automatically comes with a How-To-Play Instructional DVD and Booklet, which insures that all musical skill levels are able to successfully play these flutes, and insures you have everything you need to have a successful start to your musical journey.
Take a look at the following video by Odell Borg and if you are interested come in and give us 5 minutes of your time. That is all it takes to learn to play one!
If you want to learn about Odell Borg’s Flute Journey, please take the time and watch the following videos:

We have News!
Bisbee Books and Music has partnered with Hummingbird Digital Media to sell e-books and audio books on our website https://www.bisbeebam.com
Currently more than 75 American Booksellers Association member book stores offer e-books and audio books through Hummingbird.
While most of our customers more often than not like to pick up a physical book to read, in this ever-changing digital world many people like the flexibility and mobility of reading an e-book or listening to an audio book, especially when traveling.
You can now purchase your e-book or audio book through the Bisbee Books and Music web site and read or listen to your book on all of the most popular mobile platforms: iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, Nook, and other Android devices. Our digital media page offers 100,000s of books to our customers!
Please check it out by going to our web site at: